Need a PM ,CRM, Helpdesk or similar? With excellent customizing capabilities? With low price? With easy maintenance?
Ask…we have it…
Need a PM ,CRM, Helpdesk or similar? With excellent customizing capabilities? With low price? With easy maintenance?
Ask…we have it…
Old project activated, print/save as PDF model structure drawings
New versions released.
SWit 2020: bug (copy to all configurations) fixed. Support for SW2021 added. Small changes to installation
SWie 2020: support for SW2020 added.
Started to study horseshoeing in may. Quite something else than working with computers, but also really interesting and good for the body. Lets’s see, plan is that I will do horseshoeing beside other things in the future.
Z-motor 3d-models in ”Engine Technology International” magazine.
SWie 2019 – like SWie 2018, but added option to choose what SW-version is used to handle models. Nice, when you have more than one SW installed to the same pc.
Version affed, check under software
Tänäkin vuonna käytimme ns. joulurahat Hope ry:n kautta. Rahoilla tuetaan vähävaraisten lasten ja nuorten hevosharrastusta.
SWie 2018, also version that handles only custom props (not configurations)
One VB.Net programming tool related bug seems to be fixed.
Added date format options..
SWit has now support for SOLIDWORKS 2019…check under ”software”. Current SWupBB 2017 should work also with 2019.
Pretty much 20 years ago I installed SolidWorks 98, and soon after I upgraded it to 98Plus. It was so exciting to upgrade such a large and great software for the first time! But I remember that there where no problems. NT4 was a stable OS for SW, still think that it was/is the best OS version MS ever created. Stable and no fancy graphics to slow down working 🙂
Now, with SOLIDWORKS 2018 (yes, SOLIDWORKS is written like that now), I wonder how little the end product has been changed. I mean 2D drawing of course. PDF/DXF, what ever, is still pretty much the same. Why? Well, the standard is excellent. But somehow I still would like to see faster development to get rid of the emailed pdf’s for example. And to get decent collaboration between designer, manufacturer etc…Something like MBD, some cloud service and stuff would be welcomed. Sure, they are there, they exist, but why companies are not using them yet?
Tänä vuonna käytimme ns. joulurahat Hope ry:n ja Suomen Ratsastajainliiton yhteiseen keräykseen jolla tuetaan vähävaraisten lasten ja nuorten hevosharrastusta.
SLOWorks is now also started to use cloud based 3D-modelling software. The most biggest advantage to the customers is that now all can see and comment the same 3D-model, with browser or phone. Only internet connection is needed. There is no need to send anything through email or put pdf’s to cloud service and try to keep them updated when the models are revisioned elsewhere.
New pages…ok. No webshop anymore, since all is free now 🙂